My son is an artisitc prodigy

OK, so I know a lot of people think their children are super-talented and super-smart, but when Jedidiah did this

and then said, "Hey Dad, come here, look I made a pig soooooie!" I was pretty amazed. Take a closer look:

And then compare it with the old Arkansas icon [still used in some logos]
Pretty cool.

And for those distrusting souls out there, this was not coaxed. I'm not even a fan of the Razorbacks, he saw the icon on a jersey his Uncle Nate gave him.

Next time you see Jed, ask him to draw a picture, you might get a surprise.


Nate said...

I love this! -Nate

Lindsey said...

Patrick said, "I'm proud." Way to go Jed!