The beginning...

Tonight the dream that is our church plant took its first step into reality. It's hard to describe it in one word, so I will describe it in shifts.

Clumsy. I was expecting 15 people to be there, but we had 10. I was nervous and felt a tad bit embarrassed. I got over it.

Synergy. We had good food prepared/bought by three different people, and all of them not me. Another guy helped me set up, and still more people volunteered for our Bible study to meet at a house they knew about [we're currently using a home that we can only use for one more week!]. It was great to see people come together. I was also worried that I would be the hub and everyone would try and talk just to me, but that didn't happen. People took the opportunity to make new friends. Loved it.

Scary. I had a plan on what to say, but I was really nervous because THIS WAS IT! We were starting and to quit now would be insanity. It was just so real that it scared me a little.

Toe in the Water. Everyone was happy to be there and pretty comfortable to jump into conversation, even about personal things (no emotional vomiting or anything, thankfully). No one blabbed the whole time (except me, but I'll get to that) and no one was silent the whole night. Everyone tried it out to the fullest, even people who came not knowing a soul.

Long. I went long. When I realized I went long, I wanted to stab myself in the face, and then hide. But I couldn't, I was right there, with everybody knowing that I was running long except me. Pretty humbling, but everyone was very forgiving. We finished on time, but we had to cut the discussion part of it, and that was the part I was most looking forward to. I just have to shake my head and do better next time.

Good. We have good ideas and a good plan. We have good people who are interested in coming together to study the Bible and share life. We even have a good first experience together ("Hey, remember that time Drew went really long and didn't know it?") to look back at and laugh. Mostly, we have the good grace of God who somehow puts this sinner in leadership with the task of building a family of believers.

Hopefully, the second step will be better than the first, but at least we're passed the first.


Kent said...

Good stuff. I'm glad to see (or at least, hear) that the Vox Church is realized. Keep it up and be encouraged!

Dr. A said...

YAY CAPERTONS! So sweet that you started....(i laughed real hard at the "stab myself in the face know that an ipod would make you less violent...right?)! Praise God for these humble offerings of obediance in your lives.
I think it's also encouraging that the people connected with each other so easily. God Bless man!