Double Oh See

Out Of Commission.
Yesterday I was sick the entire day. It was a strange sickness as I couldn't maintain balance all day. It's like I had one-day vertigo combined with a nauseated feeling the whole day. And even though I was awake enough to watch the Saints lose in a 27-10 debacle to the Giants, it was still hard for me to even get up and walk around. So, I spent the day laid up, slept some, and got caught up on some important reading of Celebration of Discipline. If you have the chance to read any book in the world, and you haven't read this one, pick it up today. In fact, quit reading this, click on the link and buy the book. It's that good. Dallas and I consider this somewhat of a guide to the spiritual disciplines, individual and communal, and are going to implement many things from this book into the sulture of Vox.

Of Ownership Consequences.
Since Tropical Storm Rita is on her way to becoming Hurricane Rita, and we now own a house with all of our stuff in it, we're considering our possible evacuation from Acadiana. They say to head north this time, so Kris and I were actually considering a trip to Northwest Arkansas, but it's way too early to know exactly where the storm is going to hit. The storm will hit sometime around Friday night / Saturday morning and Kris and I are hoping it tears the back part of our roof off [since we need to fix it anyway]. Kent and Jessica were on their way back to New Orleans, but now they're staying put, at least until we know what the storm will do.

Obtaining Original CD.
OK, this double OC was a stretch, but I had to write about the new Switchfoot CD, Nothing is Sound. I'm currently loving "Happy is a Yuppy Word", "The Blues", and "Daisy". I can't get enough of it. Dallas will have to make a backup or two of this CD for my friends to have just in case I lose the CD. At least, that's what I'll tell the authorities.

By the way, Craig G and I were talking the other day about how we still call musical artists' creations a record or an album. Craig pointed out that a CD or an mp3 is still a "record" of something [like public records at a courthouse], and that a compilation of anything, including music, is still an "album" [like a photot album]. Craig is leaving Lafayette sometime in the near future and it's conversations like this that I will miss the most. Thanks for the good times, Craig.


Laje Kahr said...

Out of Character.
(Sorry couldn't resist...)
{This is in regards to a post you put one of my blogs}
Actually, no you don't know me. I stumbled onto your sister-in-law's blog a few months back and I was intrigued by some of the things she had to say. So I made some comments and checked out some of the linked blogs she has which led eventually to yours. Since yall have interesting things to say I put a link on my blog as many bloggers seem to like to do. (If you don't want me to link to you let me know, I will remove it.) The funny thing is, that it took me a little while to realize that you were Kent's