my hero

The idea of a hero is a strange one. I'm sure people have them. Barry Bonds. Spider-man. George Bush. John Piper. Lance Armstrong. Slipknot. They are varried and loved and hated and posterized. I think heroes are such because they embody what we so passionately feel or want to do. My hero is a church planter named Bob Hyatt. I don't know much about him except what kind of church planter he is. I don't know if he's a good father or a good husband. I don't know if he pays his taxes on time, or even at all. For all I know, we are polar opposites in almost every way. But I don't care about any of that because when this man writes, I resonate. Thanks to Dallas Begnaud for "introducing" me to Bob Hyatt, my hero (for now, it could be Spider-man tomorrow).

Click here for his two inspirational articles:

The Problem with Programs by Bob Hyatt
Why YOU Should Plant a Church by Bob Hyatt


bob hyatt said...


wow again :)

That's wild man... you know, my hero is doug pagitt and I never thought too much about how that might feel to him until your blog entry popped up on technorati...

all I can say is *thanks* for the shout out! Very cool.

You should come hang out on our forum sometime and bask in the evergreeny goodness...

glad you liked the articles. I hope they help. I fear they just end up getting people fired :) Don't get fired.

oh, and by the way.

Yes. Good father (I think), good husband (I hope)... and misgivings about the american system aside, I totally pay my taxes... those guys have guns!

shauna said...

wow, that's pretty amazing your hero actually responds on your blog . . how fun. . . i doubt Willy Wonka or Batman will ever respond on mine ;)

Drew Caperton said...

bob, I hope I didn't overwhelm you with the hero stuff. You truly are an inspiration- what you write about embodies a lot of what we'd like to do at Vox (the church we're starting in Lafayette). Thanks for being willing to put your stuff out there for all to see.

Kent said...

Dude! Kudos for getting your hero to comment on your blog! I think I felt goose-bumps.

Anyway, I don't think I have a hero. Maybe I've gotten too cynical for that, but I do admire traits in certain people. I'll save that for a blog another time.